Monday, October 27, 2008

The Quirky Things...a TAG from Sarah Yerke

Link the person who tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment to let them know. I was tagged by 6 Quirks?? I am definitely too normal to be tagged for this. Ha ha, just kidding, but it really took me a while to think of 6 quirky things I do. But here they go....

1) When doing the dishes the side of the sink MUST NOT have any food particles left in the drain catch. The kitchen counters must also be wiped off after everything is put away, otherwise the kitchen feels messy.

2) I am not a pack-rat in general, except for one group of things: personal care products! Since I am a cosmetic chemist by trade we have drawers full of random products from the different companies I have worked at. Even if I don't necessary like the product, or could make a better one myself, I don't have the heart to throw most of them away.

3) Baking is therapy. I enjoy baking cookies, cakes, breads, pies, brownies, just about anything. I really have fun making new creations as well. If I don't like them the folks at my work eat them regardless. I wonder if they don't ever eat homemade goodies very often.

4) I never wear my wallet in the butt of my jeans. You ever see the Seinfeld with George's wallet and how big it was? Well, even though mine is no where near that large it really hurts my butt cheek and my back, so I find about anywhere else for it! Usually, it is in my gym bag under my desk, or in my car, or if I am wearing cargo pants, you could find it in one of the side pockets, it doesn't bother me there.

5) Magazines. I never read an article in a magazine before I look through the entire thing, mostly glancing at the pictures. I tend to read the short articles first. Much of the time with the Ensign I read it back to front because somehow it feels shorter to me than front to back.

6) Cold food. I am much more likely to eat my food cold than I am hot for some reason. Take canned soup for instance, I rarely heat it up. I typically just pop open the can, and start eating. It saves time and energy. When I do heat food up I usually only like it luke-warm. I tend to burn my mouth if I heat it up too hot. I was never good at blowing on my food before putting it in my mouth.

That's for you Sarah! Did you know any of those things, eh?

1 comment:

syerke said...

I guess I didn't know most of those things, but I must say you're pretty normal! I actually wished Craig would not put his wallet in his jeans~then they wouldn't wear holes in the bum.

The only thing really weird is eating your food cold. Who likes cold soup? Gross. I only knew you ate tuna straight out of a can.