Thursday, February 28, 2008

Don't forget the Lyrics!

Here's the submission video I made of Aaron. Tell us what you think!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Show me the Belly!

I’ve had a request from my mom to post pictures of me with my lovely belly…. So here you go. I confess that I am still learning to adjust to my growing shape – I’ve accidentally bumped a few people trying to squeeze past them somehow forgetting that my belly is a lot larger than it normally is.

The nice thing is that I finally look pregnant and not like I’ve let myself go after marriage! =) There are some nice perks to being pregnant for example: Store clerks are a lot more helpful, Aaron gives me foot rubs and backrubs (I married a great man!) and since I have been pregnant I have been eating far fewer sweets.

This is my last week of my second trimester. Then it’s onto the third! 2/3 of the way there! Aaron says he’s started to get excited about meeting A.J. Truth is I am too, but I know we have to be patient. So far all I know about her is that she likes to kick me around 10:30 at night and 4:30 in the morning (this does not bode well for us the first few months after she’s born!)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Husband

Kristen did this on her blog and tagged me to do it on mine. It looked like fun so here it goes!
  • What is his name? Aaron John Peterson

  • How long have you been married? Eight and a half months

  • How long did you date? Hmmm… A little more than three months, but we only saw each other on weekends. One of us would drive three and a half hours to the other’s house. We would talk constantly on IM during the week at work. ;)

  • How old is he? 26. He’ll be 27 on March 8th. I’m 29. Aaron likes to constantly remind me of how much older I am.

  • Who eats more? Well, lately me (I’m eating for two). Plus Aaron is funny about food if he’s stressed he loses his appetite. Fortunately since he’s started a new job the stress has gone down and he is eating normally again.

  • Who said I love you first? Aaron did. He said it to me the weekend we celebrated his birthday last year. I said it right back to him.

  • Who is smarter? It depends on what it is. I think I am more computer/ technology, book smart and Aaron is more people, street, spiritual smart. We compliment each other that way.

  • Whose temper is worse? Well to be honest it would be Aaron. Since we’ve been married he’s gotten a lot better at handling it and talking out his frustrations.

  • Who does the laundry? Since we currently don’t have kids it’s pretty equal. I have a feeling that will eventually shift to my job though.

  • Who folds the laundry? Again we both do, but Aaron sometimes doesn’t always fold his right away in hopes that I will do it for him. He hates folding laundry.

  • Who does the dishes? We both do, usually the one of us cooks and other does the dishes.

  • Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do it’s the side that’s closest to the bathroom. I have a small bladder.

  • Who pays the bills? I handle the finances. It’s a lot better if I take care of it – Aaron gets easily stressed out over them.

  • Who cooks dinner? Aaron and I switch this off also mostly because he really enjoys cooking (I wouldn’t want to deny him!) but I try to take care of him.

  • Who drives when you are together? Aaron does. He likes driving and I like just enjoying the ride.

  • Who is more stubborn? Going to have to say its Aaron, but I am a close second. We haven’t come across anything that we haven’t been able to work through.

  • Whose parents do you see the most? We’ve had both our families stay with us and we’ve visited them. I would have to say that we see Aaron’s a little more because they are a lot closer to us.

  • Who proposed? Aaron did. He was so excited to go for a walk behind the mental hospital in Provo. I personally thought that someone so excited to go for a walk behind the mental hospital aught to be committed; but it turned out that there was a beautiful old rock amphitheater behind the mental hospital that looked like a castle! There at sunset he proposed.

  • Who has more friends? Aaron does because he’s lived in Idaho longer and well, he’s just a likable guy who makes friends easily.

  • Who has more siblings? Aaron does. He has 5 and I have 3.

  • Who wears the pants in the family? While I feel that we have a very equal partnership I would have to say that it’s Aaron. He takes his role as priesthood holder and breadwinner very seriously, especially now that he is going to be a father. Besides I look really good in skirts and Aaron would look rather silly!