Sunday, February 10, 2008

Show me the Belly!

I’ve had a request from my mom to post pictures of me with my lovely belly…. So here you go. I confess that I am still learning to adjust to my growing shape – I’ve accidentally bumped a few people trying to squeeze past them somehow forgetting that my belly is a lot larger than it normally is.

The nice thing is that I finally look pregnant and not like I’ve let myself go after marriage! =) There are some nice perks to being pregnant for example: Store clerks are a lot more helpful, Aaron gives me foot rubs and backrubs (I married a great man!) and since I have been pregnant I have been eating far fewer sweets.

This is my last week of my second trimester. Then it’s onto the third! 2/3 of the way there! Aaron says he’s started to get excited about meeting A.J. Truth is I am too, but I know we have to be patient. So far all I know about her is that she likes to kick me around 10:30 at night and 4:30 in the morning (this does not bode well for us the first few months after she’s born!)

1 comment:

Laura_Hickman said...

You are adorabley round, Dolly. You look marvelous! I can hardly wait to see you. Love, Mom

PS -- Aaron's 'Hey Jude' was great!!