Friday, May 15, 2009

Really big Baby Einstein

AJ loves to watch her Baby Einstein videos - the other day she was so cute watching one in her pj's I just had to take a couple of pictures. The funny thing is Aaron and I have been so busy lately that Baby Einstein is the most frequently viewed thing in our new theater room! AJ only gets one video a day - so it's funny that our new area is currently being used for Baby Einstein and that's it. Once we get the whole system set up - we'll use it more, but for now AJ gets her really big Baby Einstein. =)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Little Einstein is the best :). Probably even better on that nice TV! I hope she had a great b-day on Thursday. And a fun b-day weekend with the Peterson clan :). Sorry we can't make it. We're leaving to celebrate our anniversary in a few hours. Have fun this weekend and give AJ a hug from us! I can't believe she's one already!