Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A baby's story

It's a well known thing in the film / TV industry that children and animals are the hardest to work with. Case and point: a week ago I tried to take some cute pictures of AJ in her blessing dress. The following narrative is an account of what happened.10 AM - I decide that it would be a cute idea to take pictures of AJ in her blessing dress. The dress is extra special to me because it is cut out of the same cloth at my mother's wedding dress and I was blessed in it. I take AJ outside and get her all set up.
10:08 - Ok maybe it's a little bright out for a newborn but maybe I can get a few cute shots in anyway.
10:09 - Hmmm... Well I can't blame her for getting a little upset she's in a scratchy dress and has a bow on her head.
10:10 - She's starting to get really upset.... quick do something to soothe her!
10:11 - Whew! That seems to be working... 10:13 - Good maybe I can get a good shot in after all!10:14 - Uh, maybe not.10:16 - Correction.... not a chance.10:17 - Hey maybe the fit is over.10:18 - Ok the whole outside shoot thing is not working .... Let's try shooting inside.10:25 - It's not great but it's better than all out crying.... At least she doesn't look terrified.
10:26 - The last shot I take. Given the look of absolute horror on my daughter's face I decide to discontinue the shoot and put her back in her pajamas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AJ tell your mom to give it up. Great story and great photos Angle. Your girl is beautiful, even with a horror movie poster face.